Part of the adoption process with ESGAO is the foster family speaks with the adoptive family during the weeks following the adoption, to see if there are problems or questions that the foster family can help with.
It also gives the adoptive family someone to share their dog stories with, so their friends don't have to get sick of hearing the stories.
So I called Fogs' adoptive family and they relayed this story. I may have some of the details wrong, but it is a cute story nonetheless...
Friday night, Sandy's 18 years old son came home from work and finally met Fog. They enjoyed meeting each other, and life went on. Later, Fog went upstairs and found the son in his room, sitting on his bed. Fog put his nose on the bed, thud, and looked at son. When greyhounds want attention and you are somewhere they can't get to you, they use their heads to bang to make where you are, move so you pay attention. Soon, Fog decided he needed more attention and looked at son, (no one said no), and ventured to put one paw on the bed, and paused. No one said no, so the other front paw went onto the bed. Pause, and then, the rest of the dog got onto the bed! (He never ever even tried to get on the furniture here, and my dogs don't get on the furniture.) By this time, Mom is seeing what the dog is doing, and Fog, goes and curls up right next to the son on his bed, puts his head on the sons leg and looks at mom. Son knows Fog is not allowed on the furniture, but he gives mom the look, "can't he stay here???" Mom agrees to let Fog stay on the bed, but only the sons bed, no other furniture.
Everyone went to their designated sleeping spot until morning. In the morning, they took Fog outside and he had breakfast. Then, he went upstairs and started scratching at the sons door. The son was not up. They let Fog into the sons room and Fog leaped onto the sons bed, and stood over the son, wagging like crazy and licking him. Son is sleeping and stunned to find big dog standing on him, wagging his tail and kissing him on the face. Mom said, well, you needed to get up, I guess we've found a new alarm!
I have no new pictures to share, but this is Fog sleeping after he got here.
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