I have a foster dog. I now have 4 of my own greyhounds, 2 liter mates, Maggie and Alec who just turned 4, and Rollie and Macho. Macho is 11 and Rollie 8.
Sam (BF Par Sam) had to leave his original foster home, due to the surgery on the foster moms leg. So, I took him although I really don't want to foster. When Sam first arrived in ESGAO,in October, he was spunky, assertive and food aggressive, or so I was told. He was requiring constant monitoring and was a challenge. His prior family let him on the couch, something we don't encourage, but is hard to stop when your greyhounds are allowed on the furniture.
Sam arrived yesterday afternoon, full of energy and joy. After muzzling my pack, I sent them out to meet Sam, one at a time, till they had all sniffed each other and they didn't have any issues with each other. We let Sam in the yard and he was greeted in normal greyhound fashion by all 4 at once, then he was ready to run. Fortunately, Maggie and Alec were up to the challenge, and ran him around the yard a few times. When they all came in, Sam made himself at home and ran up the stairs, and all around the house. He looked at the couch and whined. My furniture placement prevents the dogs from getting on the couch. None of mine have even tried.
Bill said, he looks a lot like Maggie. I said yes he does and he acts like her too,. Although Maggie and Alec are liter mates they do not resemble or act like each other. I jumped onto google and found out that Sam and Maggie and Alec have the same grandpa. All I can say is Grandpa muist have been quite a character.
This is the first of several upcoming blogs about the joys and sorrows of having a foster dog and 4 greyhounds.
Sam wont stay still long enough for a good picture. As soon as I get one, I will post it.
Never a good idea to allow dogs on your furniture unless you wish to replace furniture due to them always "arranging their bed", and the fact we never wanted what was in the yard on our furniture! He will learn the proper behavior under your pack and your guidance. I wish you strength, a lot of patience, and humor!