Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Fog is my 13th foster dog, they learn so much in such a short time. Today’s blog is about his progress.  Fog has been here for nearly 3 weeks.  In the three weeks, he has learned not to potty in the house, not to counter surf, how to look in the mirror, Barking is fun, where to eat (and that he gets fed regularly), and water is available all the time.  And dog beds are good.  Although he has learned many things, he is still unsure of what is happening. 
There comes a time in every foster dog’s life, when they just get it.  They get into the daily routine, they join in reindeer I mean, dog games, and their actual personality comes out.  In essence, they relax.  Fog still annoys River; although, for all her complaining I think she sorta likes him.  He is learning all her bad habits, but he is also learning Macho’s endearing habits.  Here is the “rest of story”:

Saturday, we took River and Fog to a Meet and Greet, he did ok.  Sunday we left River and Fog at home and went to a Meet and Greet with Ace and Macho.  When we returned, Fog greeted us at the door, as he has been taught by the others, but the exuberance displayed by my dogs when we return is not there.  He is almost just checking to see what is happening, instead of greeting us.  We went out that night, leaving the four dogs alone.
When we returned, there was delight oozing from Fog.  He was a confident, happy boy, yapping and dancing with the others welcoming us home.  Somehow, someone or something clicked with him, and he now understands his new life.  The change is not easy to describe.  I can only describe it as settled and confident. As a foster mom, once you see this change in the foster dog, you know in your heart that the scared, unsure animal is gone, and emerging is a beautiful, wonderful companion pet.  It makes you proud and happy, yet sad. His transformation from racer to retiree is an amazing thing to witness. He now entices River and Macho to play with him.  He gets up at 540 EVERY morning, hoping I remember that he trained me to walk him when the sun comes out.  He tears through the house squeaking toys, and chews on his flip chips any time anywhere.  His playful happy self is emerging.

There are no pictures this week.  He is becoming physically beautiful.  He will always have scars on his nose and sides.  His patchy blond hair is coming out in clumps and is being replaced by nice red fur.  He is itching all over.  His bald thighs are starting to fill in with fur, but he may have partially bald thighs for a long time.  His naked, but oh so soft belly, is starting to get fur.  He loves to be rubbed and scratched, especially where the hair is coming out, or coming in.    Right now he looks awkward, but soon, he will be a beautiful, confident Red dog, afraid of nothing and proudly wearing his battle scars, with really Big feet!

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