Monday, July 22, 2013

Lostndafog, an introduction

I thought I stopped fostering in October after Tex got adopted.  He was here for 6 months, and my dogs and I needed a mental break.  So when ESGAO made the plea for foster parents, I with personal reserve, said I would take one.   I wanted a big dumb boy greyhound.  After some problems getting retired racing greyhounds from Florida or Alabama, we finally got word that, the 6 dogs we have foster homes for, would arrive on July 20.   Oh No!  What was I thinking?  Foster dogs are a lot of work.  It’s like having a 3 foot tall puppy.  I must be crazy.  Macho will pout, River will hide and Ace will be clingy and unsure why the dog is here. What did I do?
But then, oh boy!  A new greyhound who needs a home!  By fostering, I can save a Greyhound life.  Greyhounds want to please people, they are pretty easy to train.  A new dog to love.  A new dog to watch change from petrified to a confident animal on his way to his new life.  How exciting.
The foster dogs were supposed to arrive at 9 a.m. on Friday but arrived at 9 p.m. instead.  Lostndafog, along with 5 others arrived, safely, tired, hungry and scared.  By 11 p.m. all 6 were clean, fed, watered and wondering what happened.
Lostndafog is now my foster dog. Lostndafog is a bigger greyhound, he weighs 73 lbs he will be red, when his hair settles down.  Right now he looks like a dog that has been in a cage for way too long.  Hair is inconsistent on his body, his thighs are naked, you can see his entire rib cage, his blood vessels are predominant, he has been bitten or bounced in a cage, there are spots that have no hair.  His skin is flakey and dry.  Bugs have chewed on him.
This blog will be about turning Lostndafog into a family pet/companion animal.

Sky would give this 5 Roos!


  1. Love that you are doing this Michelle!!
    5 Roos for sure!!!

  2. You've always had a way with these puppies. I love that you are still doing this.
